

经历多年的积累,保信自创建伊始就获得了中山市“先进律师事务所”的称号,更在其后的每一年蝉联了中山律师界的这一殊荣(现称“优秀律师事务所”),2017年,广东省律师协会将保信评为20132016年度“广东省优秀律师事务所”。2021年,保信荣获了广东省律师行业党委颁发的“示范化律师事务所党组织”等众多行业荣誉,获得了ALB首届中国法律服务市场沿海区域2022ALB中国法律大奖-年度中国南部律师事务所两项提名,并荣登2022 ALB China 华南地区本地律所榜单,成为中山首个获得国际专业评级机构大奖的律师所。




About Baoxin

  Founded in March 2002, Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm based in Zhongshan is a regional large-scale leading law firm working in the legal service market of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

  After years of accumulation, Baoxin has been awarded the title of "Advanced Law Firm" (now known as "Excellent Law Firm") in Zhongshan since its inception, and has won this honor every year thereafter. In 2017, the Guangdong Lawyers Association rated Baoxin as "Excellent Law Firm in Guangdong Province" from 2013 to 2016. In 2021, Baoxin won many industry honors such as "Model Law Firm Party Organization" awarded by the Party Committee of the Guangdong Law Industry. Baoxin was nominated for the First "ALB China Regional Law Awards - The Coastal Areas" and "2022 ALB China Law Awards - South China Law Firm of the Year". In addition, it was listed on "2022 ALB China Regional Ranking: South China Firms" and became the first law firm in Zhongshan to win an award from an international professional rating agency.

  Baoxin has established ten professional departments: Intellectual Property Legal Affairs Department, Finance and Tax Legal Affairs Department, Corporate Securities Legal Affairs Department, Marriage and Family Legal Affairs Department, Financial and Non-performing Assets Disposal Legal Affairs Department, Labor and Personnel Legal Affairs Department, Foreign Legal Affairs Department, Criminal Legal Affairs Department, and Government and Public Legal Affairs Department. Each department provides customized services to clients in its area of expertise. The departments work with each other across professional boundaries to meet clients' needs for comprehensive legal services. Baoxin not only serves local clients, including many local administrative agencies, high-quality enterprises and entrepreneurs, but also expands its business in the Greater Bay Area and overseas markets by exploring the resources in the regional market. Adhering to the professional spirit of integrity, efficiency, professionalism and rigor, Baoxin provides global clients with high-quality, in-depth and comprehensive legal services through teamwork.

  Baoxin boasts sound and strict internal management rules, and has formulated 42 specific standards and guidelines such as comprehensive management system, business management system, administrative management system and financial management system. The firm office is in a 5A office building purchased by partners in the CBD of Zhongshan, with perfect workplace facilities and equipment. Baoxin has purchased and applied an intelligent case management system. With the help of a regularly updated legal and regulatory information database, and strong teamwork and backstage service support systems, Baoxin has realized conflict of interest review, online case approval, as well as the management of archives, personnel, finance, training, knowledge, clients, quality monitoring and statistical analysis.

  Baoxin has been sparing no effort to fulfill its social responsibilities earnestly. It serves as legal adviser to several administrative agencies and key projects, promoting law-based administration and local economic development through public legal services. Deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in Baoxin actively offer legal advice to contribute to social governance. Baoxin has long provided public legal services for vulnerable groups, and has set up a law publicity team to disseminate law to society by various means. Baoxin actively donates money for education and poverty alleviation, and extends a helping hand to those in need through various channels. Since 2019, under the planning of the Party branch and the management committee, Baoxin and Taidong Village of Zhaoqing City have carried out a targeted poverty alleviation and student aid campaign named "One-to-One Support for Scholarly Families", providing one-to-one support for 11 poverty-stricken families in the village, and investing more than RMB 100,000 per year in paired assistance.